Monday, May 13, 2013

3 Months

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~The kid has become a drooling machine.

~Met more family (Grandpa Bill and Uncle Stephen).

~Entered the realm of size 2 diapers.

~Cooing conversations with us (my favorite part of this month).

~Baby blessing

~Started grabbing toys (sort of..).

~Lays on the floor and plays for much longer periods of time (although he still LOVES being held).

~Eat's so much faster! (I lied above, this might actually be my favorite thing).

~Accidently rolled over for the first time when he was flailing around on his belly.

~Goes back to bed after his middle of the night feeding! (okay, I  might have lied again. THIS is my favorite thing. So many good things this month!). Now on to perfect nap time...(and by perfect, I mean establish).

~Loves his play mat.
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~And of course he still loves bath time (Look at that belly!).
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It's been fun to see him change so quickly and develop new skills. It amazes me each day how quickly he learns new things and grows. We're excited to see what this next months brings.

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  1. These are just sooooo cute!!! I hope we get to see you all when we come up in June! Love you all! Also, got your very sweet thank you note! Loved it!
