Friday, October 10, 2014

Real Men Use Pink Baseball Gloves

General Conference weekend started out a little crazy. Our good friend Sarah went into labor on Friday. I spent Friday night at her house with her kids while Darin was up in Michigan having his BYU football life fall apart in front of his eyes, and getting almost NO sleep thanks to an EST late game start and a shuttle that had him leaving for the airport at 5 a.m. even though he didn't fly out until 8 a.m.

Saturday morning I shuffled kids up to the hospital to meet their sister, then ran to the airport to pick up the hus-band. We got home just in time for the last conference talk. 

Sunday morning started off with Shae and I making some muffins while daddy tried to catch up on sleep. We brought some of our equipment into the kitchen and continued "playing kitchen" for a bit longer.

 Unlike last conference we were actually able to get Shae to take his nap right at noon when conference was starting (thanks to a 2 hour morning walk through the woods/around campus which had one purpose: Get Shae to wait to take his nap. Okay, it really had more than one purpose, the weather was GORGEOUS on Sunday and it just seemed like the right way to spend a Sunday morning where we didn't have to wake up before the sun).  

We had our good friend Jessica over for the first session of conference.  Darin kept the tradition of making us a hearty brunch/lunch, not necessarily a "new" brunch recipe this year, but still more exciting than most breakfasts we eat throughout the year.  Remember this sugar load of goodness from last conference? Definitely held back on the sugar this time around. I didn't get any pictures but it was pure Idaho fried potato heaven with sauteed veggies/bacon with a fried egg on top. MMmmmmm, so gooooood. 

We watched the second session at our friends house. We hadn't planned to do that, but we were dropping a casserole off for them to heat up for dinner right before the session started (remember? they just had a baby). Shae started playing so well and we went goo-goo over the new baby and just hung out there which was nice.

We're both SUPER grateful that we can listen/read the talks over again, especially since we missed most of Saturday. We've already started rereading them (amazing that they are put up so quickly!). We try to read the same talk each day so that we can talk about what stood out to us.

I love that Elder Scott mentioned not making Family Night an afterthought, rather a planned priority. That is definitely something that we can improve upon. Tuesday night we did just that (I turned Monday night into a wreck after coming home from a rec volleyball game in a state of weepy frustration at how terribly I wasn't pretty. Good thing we have Tuesday to make up for Monday failures). 

We threw some burgers on the grill, whipped up a pasta salad, laid down a blanket and partook. Shae had trouble handling the "eating" side of a picnic. Being outside was just too exciting in itself so not much food actually made it into his mouth. But it was fun to see how excited he was to have both of our undivided attention for so long. Love love love these boys.

Darin was not too excited about this little glove that I found for a DOLLAR at the thrift store. I told him that we have to keep it because what if we have a girl next. His response, "But do we want our little girl to have a PINK baseball glove?"  Come on, it was a DOLLAR, now he has a glove. Who's with me?

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