Monday, May 18, 2015

Take Ferry Boat, Strawberry Pick, Eat Ice Cream

We absolutely love the weekends, because we get to spend all day with daddy!  Well, this weekend poor daddy came down with a crazy flu bug on Saturday night and spent most of Sunday in bed.  Good thing we had such a fun family day on Saturday to make up for Sunday!
 (The first thing Shae said to Darin when he saw him this morning was, "Daddy! Lets Wessle!" Going a day without his wrestling time with daddy was hard on him...and me...)

Darin put Shae to bed on Friday night and told him that in the morning we were going to take the ferry to pick strawberries and eat ice cream. Shae woke up on Saturday morning and the first thing he said after his usual jubilant declaration of "I awake!" was, "Take ferry boat. Strawberry pick. Eat Ice cream!" The kid was ecstatic. It was freakishly adorable. 

1. I love that sleep no longer wipes his memory clean.
2. I love how excited he gets about these little family outings. It makes it all the more fun for us as well.

Shae wanted to get out of the car the second we drove on to the ferry. Darin took him up to the deck while I stayed in the car and let Belén continue her nap.

Shae has really been in to letters lately.  He went up to this notice and started naming off letters while pointing at them (mind you, the letter he named was never the letter he pointed at, but it's a start).

Shae was so excited to pick strawberries, but when we actually started picking them, he lost interest within a few minutes.  Kind of a bummer since last year he LOVED it and could not stop picking them.  Initially he did grab a couple and stuff them in his mouth. Then all he wanted to do was pick the green ones. Then he lost interest completely and just kept saying he wanted ice cream.

He was pretty happy when we finally got out of the humid heat and grabbed some ice cream. So so good.

After sleeping through the first ferry ride and the strawberry picking, Belén was finally ready for some fun of her own. We hung out in the car for the first bit of the ferry ride. Then got out and let Shae have one last run around.

We came home and had some fruit salad with lots of fresh strawberries and also made a Strawberry Pie for Sunday dessert. Fresh strawberries are absolutely delicious! 

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