Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I'd say that we are still pretty amateur parents, after all, it's only been 2.5 years since we put on our "parent" hats. Every day (and night) is kind of a new little adventure for us. We kind of don't really know what we're doing most days.  We're just trying our best to love them, teach them, and help them enjoy this beautiful world that we get to share together. More than anything we want our children to trust in God and Christ. I love how important this last goal is to Darin. I see him striving each day to be a better person, a better father, and above all a better son to his Heavenly Father. He knows that in doing so his example will do more for our children than anything else.

So glad that we get to figure out this crazy world of parenting as a team! Wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.

Insert sweet Father's Day picture of Darin and Shae here.

(Or just imagine Shae booking it the second I took that first picture to play in the bushes outside of the church building with no plan of coming back for his daddy/son picture).

I'm also so grateful for the loving, righteous example that my dad has shown me throughout my life time. He puts the Lord first. He always has and no doubt always will. He taught me to serve and love those around me. He taught me to work hard, even when its hard. He shows unwavering love for my mother which has taught me so many things about what I deserve as a wife and mother. He's a pretty special dad and I am so glad that he is mine.

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