Wednesday, November 28, 2018

October Little Things

 Indigenous People's off of school...beautiful fall family hike.

 When you don't have much to make an FHE treat, you just pull out what you can find. In our case that was graham crackers, melted chocolate, leftover mini M&Ms (from the granola ball snack we made for Belen's preschool), leftover mini marshmallows (from all those smores' bars from the summer), and peanut butter (of course).

 These two together just melt my heart. They are the best of friends and I am so sad they are no longer together. Belen asks about her sweet friends and prays to be back with them just about daily.

 Moving seems to have shaken up the "take my picture" phase, but she was still going through it full swing back in October.

 We had a nice quick visit with Darin's aunt and uncle as they stopped in Ithaca for a night on their way home from Maine. The kids just loved playing with Ken.

 I got a ticket for not pulling up to the sign, even though I thought I had pulled up sufficiently, but you know, sometimes it's hard to tell over those big hoods! After fuming about it the entire way home, I looked it up and it was just a warning to make sure I pull up closer next time. Thank goodness. And as much as I love the library, it sure is frustrating going to the downtown library with no parking lot. (While fuming in the car, I got a call from the library saying that I had left my wallet there. When it rains it pours).
 Belen loves to write her name, but it is always just a little out of order. And how about those E's.
 I walked past Shae's room one day and saw this sign above his bed. Apparently it was a good coping method for him when frustrated with his sister. He would just go and put a check next to her name if she was being a meany or bossy. The A apparently stands for doing something nice, so at least there's that too.
 He even made a sign for himself and would put checks when he wasn't very nice.
 Darin's was the next to appear. I was pretty proud of not having a sign up there for the longest time (either I'm doing all the things right or all the things wrong, depends on the parenting book you read). Then one day while we were reading a story, I sang one of the Halloween songs in a book that Shae really wanted to sing. He stormed off, grabbed a paper and put a big check right by "Mene mom." My perfect record was gone, just like that. And because of a story no less! 
 Speaking of stories... October is like Christmas because of the book sale! Check out that nice line. Belen and I got there just a little before it was opening (Shae and daddy were on an EQ hike). We still had to stand in line for about 40 minutes. I tried not to go crazy this year since we were getting ready to move, but still found a couple really good books that I couldn't say no too, as well as a Pokemon Sorry game and a Madeline game. 
While we were looking through loads and loads of books, the boys were off hiking and eating Five Guys.

 I took the kids to McDonalds after they got their typhoid shots. Pokemon toys were the Happy Meal treat which we had no idea about until we walked in. Shae was like, "It's as if they knew I was coming!"
 Belen opted for the Hello Kitty necklace instead.
 My sweet friends threw me a surprise going away dinner, that I had absolutely NO idea about, which is why I am dressed in my pajamas while everyone else looked so nice. I really thought I was going to be babysitting, just sitting on the couch working while the kids slept. I felt a little sheepish for my attire, but absolutely loved the amazing company. Those girls are just the best. So hard to say goodbye to them. (One of the girls has grandparents that served a mission in Indonesia and made sure to put her Batik table cloth on the table. So sweet).

Cierra made me this fabulous peanut butter chocolate cake with homemade peanut brittle on it.

 Final playdates for these two.

 My hold for The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids by Sarah Mackenzie came through about two weeks before we left. I almost didn't start it because I didn't think I would be able to read it with everything going on with the move. I am SO glad I did, really, I should have just bought the book since I was scribbling so many things down in my notebook that I loved. It would have been easier to go through with a highlighter! Definitely a book that I just need to own. She really just spoke to my soul. Put all the feelings I have about reading with my kids in words. Here's a few thoughts from one of the chapters that I just loved.

 Education is for love.
 I just love that so much.

I love how she discussed stories being our kids first experience with a lot of tough things in life. But thanks to the stories, hopefully they can handle those tough things a little better when they are facing them.

I also love when she talks about reading being the easiest activity to do with her kids. That is exactly how I feel! I honestly hate playing dolls and cars and pretend games. It's just not my jam. But give me a big stack of books and I'm a happy camper. It really is the easiest thing to do with them. (I do also love that Shae is getting to an age where we can play bigger kid games, because I also do love me a good game).

I have like, a million other thoughts/feelings about reading with kids and the huge role that has played in our family dynamic, but I'll refrain for now :).

All those silly ways we find the kids sleeping.

 Shae got invited to one of his school friend's bday party at a bouncy house place. He was in heaven. It was also a Pokemon party. Did I mention he was in heaven? It was so fun to watch him run around with all of his little school friends and to put names with faces. It also made me sad being able to meet the kids and parents and then telling them all we were moving a week later. I am very grateful though that he was able to have this short two month Kindergarten experience before we took off.

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